Monday, May 9, 2011


Well, it's official, I'm off facebook. (Just saying it makes it sound like a drug, "Well, I'm off crack"!) It was a pretty easy decision I'll have you know. I took a break from facebook for Lent this year and it was the best thing I could have done. After Easter I went back on for a total of two weeks and I hated it. All the drama that was there before, was still there. All the comments people make, without saying how they really feel, were still happening. And the time I used to waste on that site started to get wasted again.

I realized all too often how much I checked it. How much the status updates of my friends would consume me. How little I was actually connecting with people, in real life. And, the saddest part of all, or rather, the greatest discovery I made, was that I needed it. But in actuality, I didn't.

So, I'm done. I'm done for a few reasons.
  • I want to actually be present to my girls and for me, having facebook on my computer or phone does not make me present.
  • I want to be intentional about connecting with friends and family and it was getting a little too easy to feel like I actually knew what was going on in someone's life, based on their status updates or notes.
  • I want to find my true value in what God thinks about me, not what people say about the photos I take of my kids.
  • I want to step away from "humble bragging" (a term I picked up from a friend over dinner a few weeks ago and love!) The world (or my facebook friend list) does not need to know about all the things I accomplish in one day. My God sees me. My man appreciates me. My kids love our house. That's really all that matter.

So, yesterday was my first day officially off. And I loved it! And now, today, on this gloriously rainy day, I feel free. I feel great about my decision! I've already had a lovely morning with my girls, in which I feel I've been truly present.

1 comment:

  1. After reading your post, I felt moved to respond. I just want to validate your decision to "go off" Facebook. You have very valid reasons for doing so, and you're to be commended!
    I feel the same way too, and it's nice to know I am not alone. As I read your post, I felt your sentiments "hit home".
    I also tried giving it up for Lent, and realized after Lent that I don't "need" Facebook like I thought. Besides, if I want significant people in my life to know what is going on, I can do so in a way which involves the human touch, one by one, either by calling them or by telling them in person. Sometimes, we forget our charity & how important it is to act human and likewise how important it is to make others feel their humanity. We can be more sensitive to others' needs by respecting people's feelings and by letting everyone feel special and included. These sites take away from a personalized approach to life.
    Also, people "show off" on the site. Any rights to brag seem to be over-done.
    But, most important to me are people's feelings that become hurt when some information leaks out via third-party postings on Facebook, before I had the chance to practice my charity and tell them so myself.
    I feel great about my decision to leave Facebook too! There is a new similar concept to Facebook which you may or may not be interested in.
    I think it's called Path. Path is similar in that it is also a social networking site. However, they claim to be different because they allow only a small number on one's friends list, maybe 50 or less.
    This way, people can truly connect, not develop a contest for who is the most popular or who has the biggest friends list.I wish you all the best!
    God bless you and your family!
